Kresser, Corona & Associates could become your SBA Servicing Department by providing your lending institution with the expertise needed to complete all servicing request in accordance of SOP 50 10 5, Subpart B and SOP 50 57 2.
Kresser, Corona & Associates has helped many lenders by conducting all their servicing actions. Actions can require intensive communications with borrowers to fulfill the lender’s and SBA's approval. The Firm can contact your borrower and collect all the necessary information for your institution’s approval, follow up with the documentation, and then notify the SBA, if appropriate.
We can handle your portfolio’s servicing actions whether a simple name change to an elaborate exchange of collateral. We mitigate any risk associated with the borrowers’ request by assuring the soundness of the action prior to execution.
When assessing borrowers request for servicing action, Kresser, Corona & Associates is able to:
Determine if the request conforms with loan program requirements
Contact the borrower to request supporting documentation or clarification of the request
Prepare a Lender’s memo for committee approval
Execute the appropriate notification action to SBA